Saturday, March 20, 2010

I am back

Yes. I am back after away for almost a month and a half. And the good news is that I got  a new house....exactly the one I was looking for. I moved in to the new house 1 month ago. It took me a month to actually settle down here....The main difficulty was to get an Internet connection.

The major internet service providers like Airtel or Hathway don't have network in this area. Most of my neighbours uses Tata Indicom WiMax.. Its expensive and useless..

Then there was one more provider I have never heard before. RailWire, provided by the great Indian Railways. I heard about it on the same day I landed here..but I was doubtful about their connectivity and service.

They provide internet through direct LAN cable to your home. Direct Lan to Home...DLTH ?? I don't know what people call it. First time I heard about it from my friend in Chennai.. He was using a Sify connection...but he was not happy with it.

The most tempting thing about RailWire is that its damn cheap.  256kbps-Unlimited @ 320 Rs./Per Month...
For similar plan Airtel is charging 800 Rs. per month.. Tempting but risky..

Finally I decided to take the risk and took a  RailWire connection. Surprisingly the speed and connectivity is very good. Its been a day since I got the connection...I am getting 256 kbps up/down consistently...

I am impressed...


C said...

u must be the first customer for them...congrats

Jinesh Paul said...

So now waiting for what ?? make it fast...